
Axel Mulder

Axel Mulder has been an active participant of the art and technology community for over 30 years. It all started in 1987 when he designed his own instrumented dataglove and a pink bodysuit for MIDI real-time control. With academic degrees in physics and kinesiology as well as training in music and dance he has deeply explored the many disciplines that study real-time live performance resulting in peer-reviewed papers about motion capture, virtual musical instruments, and 3D sound sculpting. Through his company, Infusion Systems Ltd., which makes and markets the I-CubeX line of products for development of interactive media, he has developed a thorough understanding of sensor technology and its application in the arts and beyond. He has engaged with many universities and companies around the world for consulting, reviewing, lecturing and teaching. His main occupation is running Infusion Systems while also holding a position as adjunct professor at McGill University.